My Family

My Family
Steve, Tammy, Mike and Liam

Thursday, January 20, 2011

What to do when it is -45?

Life up north has been great, but for the past few weeks the weather up here has been super cold. Not only here in Whitehorse, but all over the Territory. My husband Steve has been up in Dawson since last Tuesday for his work and has not seen the temp rise from -46. He is really getting sick of it and is jealous that it is finally warming up for us down here in the southern Yukon.

With two little kids and the weather being so cold makes it hard for us to get outdoors and do some play time. My husband build this wicked awesome sled hill for the boys in the front yard that is about 4 and half feet high. It looks like something off a cartoon that penguins would slide down. The kids just love.....but lately all they can do is just look out the window at it, as it has been sooooo cold out. For the past few weeks the weather had not warmed up from -35. And then there is a wind chill on top of that, that pushes the temp down to -40 to -46. The kids would not last 2 min in that...and it was hard enough for me to just take the trash out without needing to make a coffee to just warm up from being out for 1 minute....brr...brr...brr!!!!!

Last winter was not this cold at all. People got to thinking that "what happened to the true blue northern winter", what happened to the -50 for 3 weeks. Where is all the snow that we used to get.................well we got it this year. Cold and snow, and a lot of it!

Living in the Yukon, in the winter is hard enough as it. Dealing with the lack of Vitamin D, the lack of sunlight, and the lack of being able to enjoy being outside with two little munchkins. So what to do when it is -45 here in the Yukon? I have come up with some fun things that...well me and my kids love to do when going out into the cold is a no go!!!

1. building a fort with the chairs in the living room and having a camp out.
2. making cookies and sitting at the table eating them with a glass of milk.
3. playing lots of board games.
4. making lots and lots of playdough and making snow men outta them...cause making one outside is just to cold...and the snow this year has been super dry.
5. making pretend animals and hiding them around the house and going on safaris to find them.
6. letting the kids help me with the house work..mike loves to wash the windows and the floors...boring I know...but the kids looove it!
7. having races with the many cars and trucks that the kids have.
8. Building new train tracks on Mikes new train table from Nana and Papa.
9. playing hid and go seek...Liams favorite game of all.
10. Watching movies with hot chocolate and marshmallows under a blanket on the couch.

These 10 things are just some of the things that myself and the boys like to do during the day when the weather is just to cold. But when cabin fever has hit an all time high, one of the kids most favorite things to do it jump in the car and go for a drive to the fish ladder and watch all the water come outta the dam... and seeing all the beautiful blue ice. First we hit Tim Hortons, grab something to drink, and of course we can not miss out on getting some tim bits...the powdered covered ones with the strawberry filling. THE BEST!!! Then we head to the fish ladder for some gazing at the all the beautiful ice and water the Mr. Frost has created over the winter! Another thing that we like to do is go to the Canada Games Center and go into the Play Area. There is foam building blocks, slides, ride on cars, and equipment the kids are able to go nuts on. It is an amazing place. A lot of people here in Whitehorse count on the games center for when days are just way to cold do anything, but need to get outta the house before the kids start to climb the walls. Just remember that when cabin fever just need to be creative....before you go crazy!

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